jason_whitlock said:Big Chee said:jason_whitlock said:Big Chee
The victimization and the dishonesty (players scarred for life, season ruined) bothered me greatly. The ranting about people not knowing the "Rutgers story" and how they rebounded from a 40-point loss and overcame "mighty Duke" or whatever. It was a mistake to parade the young women out to an hourlong press conference, especially one in which you were going to act like a 66-year-old shock jock had just set race relations back 100 years by uttering words that are common place in our community. The whole thing seemed staged and a grab for attention. It in no way came across as someone trying to improve an overall situation.
Again, I'd like to know what makes Vivian Stringer above criticism? She's a basketball coach, and I've yet to meet a coach who isn't attention starved.
There's a difference between criticism and legitimate criticism. You admitted to knowing little about her, yet summed up her character as being something less than stellar. To me and many of us in here, its that type of criticism that lacks merit smartguy, because its baseless.
Also, hearing the eloquence coming from the mouths of some of the African American members of the Rutgers basketball team was refreshing and a far cry from the Monique and New York's of the world that flood the media.
And you actually believe that was a mistake?
i never summed up vivian's character. i wrote about what i thought of her handling of the imus situation... also, i was not amazed that a group of black college students knew how to speak proper english. i wasn't amazed by their "eloquence." i expected it. the black women i went to college with could all speak and write. i'm not trying to be sarcastic, but no one gave an "i had a dream" speech. all of this b.s. about how "eloquent" the players were is just that, b.s. they sounded like typical college students. what did you expect?... now i didn't get to see all of the question-and-answer segment. the last thing i remember seeing was one of the young women making the point that the meeting with imus "was important to the state of new jersey." i damn near fell out of my chair and wondered who had told these women that the future of new jersey was riding on their meeting with a shock jock.
can someone tell me why vivian stringer is above criticism?
So rather than gauging the merits of her speech, you're measuring who gave a damn about it? I wonder if you even heard her statements. You still haven't explained in depth what bothered you about her speech.
And another thing, anytime African American women have a chance to counter the body of negative images of them in the media at large is a GOOD THING. So it's bigger than the women both you and I happen to interact with on a daily basis if one is to believe that you're looking at the "big picture." I guess you must've forgotten that in this instance. :

But continue on your march Jason. You found your niche and discovered the formula for being plucked from relative obscurity or irrelevance and being transformed into a darling of the media. Simply repudiate all of the sociological evidence that connects social and economic marginalization with bad behavior and make blanket statements about how "forked up" black folks are. From Cosby sudden rise as the proper "conscience" of Black America to the articulate musings of Charles Barkley. You're currently in vogue my friend, and the African American community is better off because of it.