We did the same thing when Tommy Maddox beat out Bret Johnson for UCLA's starting quarterback job. A reporter went to the top of the parking garage next to the UCLA practice field. He saw that Johnson wasn't there. We reached him by phone later that morning, said he didn't know what he was going to do. He then transferred to Michigan State.
When they were in Anaheim, the Rams barred the media from practice. The writers went onto a golf course next door and watched from the other side of the chain-link fence.
Pete Carroll at USC, as a motivational tool, dressed up a mannequin in a blue and gold UCLA sweatshirt. A student aid took it to the top of an adjacent parking structure. At Carroll's signal, the aid shouted, "Hey, what are you doing here?" As all the players looked up to see what was going on, the aid grabbed the mannequin and threw if off the roof.