Well, dammit, friend told me I was getting killed here. And, of course, I looked. Oy.
First, the story was 100-percent overwritten. No question, fair criticism. Second ... so? Have you read 98% of prep stories out there? Boring, standard, flat, a lede usually along the lines of, "Using a solid offense and the passing of Fred Smith, North Central High upset Stevens High by a score of ..." For me, this was a joyful chance to overwrite and be fun and take stabs. Why not? I mean, seriously, why not? Is there some advantage to flat prep writing? Or being conventional? The article comes, it's read, it vanishes.
To be honest, I got my career going by sorta writing this way. I really did, and if it sucks, so be it. You're supposed to take shots in your writing; you're supposed to reach and grab and try funky shirt. That's the way I got noticed by The Tennessean and SI, the way (I'm guessing) guys like Rick and Wright Thompson and Howard Bryant a million others (better writers than me, certainly) got noticed. I teach journalism, and I tell my students the same exact thing: Go for it. And if it falls flat, it falls flat—no biggie. I truly hope no young writers here read the comments and think, "I better keep my writing close to the vest." Because it's a mistake.
Lastly, why always the "[so and so] is a terrible writer stuff" here? I never understand that one. If you're here, you surely know how hard writing is. We all have good days and bad days, no?
PS: To be clear, I get the criticism. And, from a technical standpoint, don't disagree.