Like Smasher, I'm a fan of the PaperMate Flairs (whooo!). Like Bubbler, I color code the fork out of them. Usually I only have to do it for football, trying to coordinate the pen color with the team color (uniform, not race, so don't even). One for the home team, one for the visiting team, and if I'm feeling particularly jaunty, red for penalties (unless one of the teams is wearing red, then I pick out a third color).
I can get Flairs at work in the main four colors (black, red, blue, green) but I also bought a 12-pack on sale from Staples that had oddball colors. Already lost the orange one. Most of the others are too pastel to work, though if anyone feels the need to wear magenta, I've got you covered. There's a first-year school that has, I shirt you not, silver and Honolulu Blue as its colors. EH-EH. You're getting black and you're liking it.