Sadness here. I'm older than Dauer by about 6 months. We were in college with at the same time (also Fred Lynn, Roy Smalley, Steve Kemp, etc.). I covered USC baseball for the Daily Trojan. Dauer was the best hitter I had ever seen at that time, the Trojans' best hitter. I remember a doubleheader against Stanford when he was 6 for 8 with 3 home runs. He was USC's leading hitter and run producer both is his seasons and the Trojans were national champions both years. Maybe 15 years ago, I ran into him at a Cal League game. He was a roving instructor for the Rockies and was back in San Bernardino that night. The coaches joked with him about dropping his name at dinner the previous night. "You should have," he said. "I'm big ship in this town." I asked him if he remembered me from USC, since I had interviewed him several times. He said he did because he had to make a special trip to campus for the interview, since he never went to clash. RIP to a legendary Trojans.