Fanatics to take over as NHL jersey maker starting in 2024
"Design and test" what? It's not like this team is going to be inventing brand new categories of hockey uniforms. Whatever uniforms they wear, Fanatics already makes versions of them.
Uniforms can be ordered in the span of a couple weeks if you really need them and are willing to pay.
They'll settle on a team name, colors, logos, etc etc, pretty quickly, so they can start selling merch.
Yes yes they'll have to do due diligence to make sure trademark and copyrights are clear. That shouldn't take too long; they've got plenty of lawyers who can all use Google.
They will probably go through the obligatory kabuki show of a fan contest to select the name, but probably their best move would be to select a name already previously used by some previous team in some sport, find out (through appropriate legal process) who owns the trademark rights, and buy them outright, for a nominal (significant but not extravagant) fee, and settle the whole mess at the get-go.