My father is a similar age to some of you; he was 8. He's told the story to me of hearing the news; was walking home from the school when a neighbor shared the news. Vividly remembers seeing Oswald shot on live TV and his sister screaming.
I have mixed emotions of this day, because I'm beyond sick of the mythmaking the surrounds Kennedy and the conspiracy nuts, my father among them. He got me into the conspiracy theories through Stone's (fictitious) film when I was young. We made it down to Dallas on a trip to Oklahoma* when I was around 10. Luckily (and thanks a lot to getting into journalism) I was able to see through the BS as I aged.
But as someone who was a month shy of his 10th birthday on 9/11, I try to be understanding to my dad and others of his generation. I imagine it was much like having your own father being murdered, which makes the deification that occurred after his death more understandable. But I hope a more nuanced view of Kennedy will take hold later this century after all those who were alive (and emotionally attached) at the time die.
*We were in OK to visit my uncle Dallas, whose birthday is today. He turned 18 on 11/22/63. Happy 78th, Uncle Dal! You better believe he's sick of hearing about his name and birthday coinciding with the assassination.