I've split this up into pieces so it will fit.
Starting from the first responses, here I go:
Thanks to all that says they still use the site and still subscribe to the Daily Links Service. Strokes are always nice. Same thanks to those who say they haven't used the site in years. It's all educational.
Same five columnists? Usual suspects? Newspapers only…no Web sites? Guilty on all counts. It's always been a subjective list, and yeah, we (the three of us who construct the links) have our favorites. And we also have a time element. All of us have day jobs (in my case, a day job that begins at 6am, and sometimes takes me out of town at short notice).
We have to cut it off somewhere, so I decided long ago to stay mostly focused on the papers. I tend to stick to the major markets. Mike will go deep into smaller towns, especially during college football and basketball seasons. Rob does a better job of ‘seeing' auto racing and golf stuff.
We also got early complaints about the DLS list being too long. So the papers are the focus.
Double Down's complaint is typical of many I get. I have pleaded and pleaded with people to email all three of us with story suggestions. Still I get 4-5 emails a week only addressed to me. And most days I'm not doing the links, and don't get to my email until later in the morning.
I long ago stopped losing sleep over missing a good story. I still think we find more gems than we miss. But yeah, we're gonna miss gems. It's amazing how many times people take it as a personal insult.
I also get snarky emails over stuff that make the Top Ten from writers who didn't make it that day. I guess it's a backhanded complement over how big a deal it still is.
Not as thorough as they used to be? That could be ‘link fatigue,' which we all came down with years ago. This does wear you down.
After all this time, it's still interesting to see a comment from someone who still doesn't get the Net and the concept of linking.
Yeah, I'm talking about you Mizzougrad96 (if that's your real name!). I don't recall releasing my list of posters when we gave up our bulletin board. I kinda remember purging that list from my server.
‘Sports editors who allow him to link to their sites'???? Come on, are you really that net-stupid? Every link, from the Top Ten to the NY Times site, sends you to that site, away from Sportspages. I can't believe I'm correcting someone about this in 2006. Sure you're not George Solomon (who thought I was stealing his paper's content back in '01… and turns into ESPN's ombudsman)?