sart - i hope you land on your feet no matter what you choose.
douchebags have lost their jobs since the beginning of time. nowadays, though, good people are getting whacked simply for breathing, working theirs asses off and drawing checks.
i truly am sorry life sucks for you right now, but, take the damned desk job, quit spending the $2.50 a day on lattes -- or whatever your $2.50-a-day "latte" is -- and then regroup, and get the fork out. in a way, you're a little lucky as you have time to get your shirt together and move on on your own terms.
a few weeks ago, a buddy of mine showed up at his SE job and his editor called him into his office. editor states: "dude, cooperate says we're going in different directions. even though i don't agree with that choice, i really am sorry, really, but cooperate says get your shirt out of the forking office right now. here's your check ... thanks for the years of service."
cat's replacement sat down at my boy's desk and took over just one hour after he left the building. ... 60 minutes.
the rest of us all should give our editors/publishers a hug today. i'm sure your editor/publisher and my editor/publisher would never do that type of shirt to you and i, right?