RokSki said:Double Down said:You know what we media members should do? Write more about one another. Because clearly, people give a fork.
Totally agree, although I'm almost certain you're being sarcastic. People eat this stuff up. What people don't care about is the spread in the press box, etc. But they love the person - to - person dynamics stuff, or organization - to - organization stuff. Because it's stuff they don't know anything about, and it makes Joe Sixpack think that all the 'bigwigs' have the same issues with each other that he does with his neighbor. I'm not saying that it's the most worthwhile and highbrow stuff to write about, but it definitely gets a reaction.
Actually, what they think is that we're self-important blowhards who think they care more about what journalists do than they really do.
You know, maybe journalists will never be the most-loved profession out there. But dammit, we really could help ourselves once in a while rather than embrace the disconnect.