Well let's see.
A few years back at my other shop, I wrote a story about a group of players that were suspended from the football team for being caught at a drinking party the week before playoffs started. Two were two-way starters, that actually had an impact on almost every game throughoutthe season. I name the kids through one of the team's captains, talking about the team meeting and how so and so and so and so let the team down sort of thing.
Well, obviously the school was Pished at me, the coach, who I had a decent relationship was mad - but understood I was doing my job basically finding out the info despite his repeated no comments - but the person mad at me the most was the city's weekly paper sports editor.
I was shocked strolling the sidelines to do my stats on gameday to find the players were allowed at the game and on the sideline. Although I got a few dirty looks from them, none were as piercing as the looks shot my way throughoutthe game from this idiot of a so-called reporter. Every time he pashed me on the sidelines he would glare at me, and when the hometown team scored to go ahead early, not only was he high-fiving players, he was saying see what the F'n big-time daily writes about that.
Well, they ended up losing by three touchdowns and well that's what I wrote about., of course highlighting a few key missing players from the field.
To this day I cannot get the image of this goof sprinting up and down the sidelines high-fiving players out of my head. It was and still is friggin' hilarious.