Heywood Jablome
If anyone doesn't know who Otis Chandler is, Google him and read about how he drove the L.A. Times to greatness, then watched it fall all around him after he left.
Chandler was probably the last Rock God of Journalism. And a damn good man at that.
He would shirt his pants over how the Chicago Tribune is handling the Times, and maybe that's what finally killed him off. A fascinating guy, though. Check out Otis Chandler, then ask your boss to define integrity as he/she sees it, and then go compare your notes.
Chandler was probably the last Rock God of Journalism. And a damn good man at that.
He would shirt his pants over how the Chicago Tribune is handling the Times, and maybe that's what finally killed him off. A fascinating guy, though. Check out Otis Chandler, then ask your boss to define integrity as he/she sees it, and then go compare your notes.