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Turtleboy arrested

I've actually been trying to get a handle on this story and haven't been able to find much in the way of explanation ….. did he intimidate the witnesses or are those in power going after him for reporting? Because if its the second one that's horrifying and something the media should care about, big time!

Yet it seems to have been largely ignored by local reputable Boston press (Howie Carr doesnt count and there's nothing about the merits of the case in that column anyway) so we're left with Turtleboys bombast.

The guy is loud, he's annoying and he seems to be a borderline obsessive. He's one of those confrontational, shock jock ambush interviews.
So I don't doubt he was hitting up people with info on the case for his blogs. Does that rise to the level of intimidation? What's the line between a witness in a case and a source in a story…. Are they not the same?

Kind of important question that are going unasked because, well, Turtleboy's an ashhole so who cares about what happens to him

Here's another report.

I've actually been trying to get a handle on this story and haven't been able to find much in the way of explanation ….. did he intimidate the witnesses or are those in power going after him for reporting? Because if its the second one that's horrifying and something the media should care about, big time!

Yet it seems to have been largely ignored by local reputable Boston press (Howie Carr doesnt count and there's nothing about the merits of the case in that column anyway) so we're left with Turtleboys bombast.

The guy is loud, he's annoying and he seems to be a borderline obsessive. He's one of those confrontational, shock jock ambush interviews.
So I don't doubt he was hitting up people with info on the case for his blogs. Does that rise to the level of intimidation? What's the line between a witness in a case and a source in a story…. Are they not the same?

Kind of important question that are going unasked because, well, Turtleboy's an ashhole so who cares about what happens to him

This case has fascinated me since TB started his "reporting," because I'm in and out of Canton a bit. The following is a way-too-long summary of this case, you'll probably fall asleep after the first paragraph.

  • Prosecution's case: Boston cop was dropped off for a party at a friend's house by his girlfriend. Girlfriend then drunkenly ran over him, left the scene without noticing/caring and she's the reason he's dead. She didn't realize what she did until a friend of folks hosting the party called her and told her, after they found the guy outside hours after she said she dropped him off.
  • Girlfriend, who is a college professor: Everyone is setting me up — the DA, the guy who owns the house who's connected with the local police department (perhaps former cop), that guy is now a selectman, the state trooper who went to the scene knows the guys in the house, the son or the nephew of the guy who owns the house is a hothead, the family conveniently had their dog disappear and ripped the carpet out of their basement right after this guy's death, the Ring footage from the home across the street — where the ashistant fire chief lives — mysteriously is missing. Also the town manager is the former police chief.
There are a lot of loose strands there, but to me something smells. The coincidences, individually, could be explained away. When there's a mountain of them...

"Turtleboy" is a Boston area teacher-turned-blogger whose previous contributions to society are stories about welfare recipients scamming the government and folks rigging the system, as well as such terms as "crotch fruit." Think of Howie Carr without Howie's thin veneer of professionalism. He claims he's getting canceled all the time. He's had a few Twitter accounts shut down, I can't remember why.

(Aside: Why does an adult call themselves forking "Turtleboy"? I'd love to know.)

He published an "investigation" into the case early in the spring that was clearly stuff spoonfed to him by defense attorneys. The defendant has the means, so she's opening up the checkbook and paying her attorneys to be attack dogs.

Since then Turtleboy has been harashing folks involved in the case. He traveled more than an hour away to a high school lacrosse match to "interview" a friend of the guy who owns the home where the party happened. This was his "scoop." He was told, politely, to leave. He's gotten so much buzz from his "investigation" that he's regularly posting stuff about the case, even if it's trivial. (Since he's a "victim" of cancel culture, he uses the NPR model to solicit for donations.) He organized a rally outside the Town Hall demanding "justice" for the defendant. He also posted this tweet, which I'm sure did not endear himself to the DA or State Police.

Several weeks ago the DA took the extremely rare step of making a statement and, without mentioning Turtleboy, telling everyone that the narratives Turtleboy was floating were BS and that Turtleboy was harashing witnesses. I get trying to shore up your case, but that is the first time I've heard a DA attack a blogger so directly. It's not a good look, and it adds to the something-smells-here factor.

Turtleboy kept writing and spouting off on Twitter, so a couple weeks ago he was picked up and charged with eight counts of intimidating a witness and some other stuff.

Turns out Turtleboy was being fed info from a police dispatcher about where these folks lived. Dispatcher is now suspended.

Life really is stranger than fiction.
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So, the girlfriend's story is that she drops her boyfriend off to continue drinking, she falls asleep on his couch after clearly having too many and then freaks out at like 5 am when he's not home? In a normal world, she'd text him, figure he's pashed out on a floor or couch and go back to sleep.

Yeah, I had read that. The dead boyfriend was with her at 2 bars and went late at night to a 3rd place to have more to drink. If you believe her side of the story, why would she have gotten up in such a panic pre-dawn that he wasn't home a few hours later that she started calling people, especially as she had been his driver and he had no way home.