Speaking as an ugly woman, let's unpack a few things you might not realize you're saying when you mention these rules. If you're treating unattractive women with something resembling respect only because of who they might know, not only do we know it, so do our dishier friends. Sometimes they see through it before we do. How it usually goes down:
Me: C'mon. He seems like a nice guy.
Dishy: No. He's not.
Me: Um...
Dishy: (diplomatic explanation why my impression of him is different from hers)
On other thing: We are not desperate for your attention or company. If I am in my happy place at a book or media store and you sit next to me and chat me up, I'll be polite. Sometimes you might prove to be interesting and I might make a friend. Win-win. If you talk smack about your wife or girlfriend, I will take her side. If you take exception to what I'm looking at (because men don't like women who read books about baseball or archaeology or physics) please, please, please, please just go find someone who is looking at something that meets your approval. They might want to talk to you. I don't. Tattoo this on your psyche: You are not doing me a favor by trying to show me what life would be like if I'd stayed with the live-action version of Steve Dallas I dumped like so much life ballast in my early thirties.