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What is journalism?

I think the question can be boiled down to: Is journalism simply the act of producing and distributing reports. ... or does there need to be some degree of accuracy (and then, how do you measure accuracy?) for those reports to qualify as journalism.

Certainly 'journalism' and 'propaganda' are not interchangeable.

An argument can be made that when Ailes built FoxNews, he was doing so as a corrective to a lefty press. I disagree with that argument.

Because the mainstream press in this country has never been leftist, or even very 'liberal.'

Fox News may or may not be a newsgathering operation, but in prime time it has only ever been a right wing / Republican opinion megaphone.

So another question here is this: Is 'opinion journalism' really journalism?

When labeled as such, sure. That's why there's an OpEd page in the paper.

But presenting opinion as news - as straight reporting - is deception. Propaganda.

Very much on the order of excusing Limbaugh or Alex Jones - or Father Coughlin - as an 'entertainer.'
The ignorance of their own ignorance is the danger, and that is largely because Fox News does not attempt to correct it, or even put things out there in a more balanced, two-(or more-) sided way so that people might realize at all that more consideration may even be needed. To combat ignorance is a big part of the role of good, real journalism, and this is where Fox News truly goes wrong.

But it's why FoxNews was founded.

FoxNews is working exactly as it was designed to work.

It's important to remember that.
What I've found interesting about the revelations in the last couple of days is that Fox News doesn't "guide" conservative thought, but follows whatever talking points will hold on to its viewers, true or not.
That being the case, we certainly don't need more of it from Bari Weiss.

I'm not real hip to Weiss' current work, though I did read the first Wash U. story from the person who worked there.

And I've liked Taibbi's work quite a bit at times...but I find the last 2-3 months of stuff pretty impenetrable.
Like Greenwald, Taibbi is off the rails.

Who edits these guys?

No one.

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