I'm sure this has been done in may different incarnations, but how do you determine when it's time to call it a day and move on to another business in which you can actually find a half-decent job?
I'm creeping on 30 and still am FAR from where I'd hoped to be at this point. The only thing that's kept me going this long is the bleief that I can do the job at a high level, and the fear of looking back years from now and regretting giving up on my dream. Most people I know either think I'm an idiot for sticking to spors writing this long, when they've seen my struggle and heard the constant blubs about cutbacks and layoffs, or just don't understand how the business works at all. If there was another firled that interested me nearly as much, I'd jump, but this is what I do. I love to write, and I love sports.
A few years ago I thought the job market was bad, but it's 10x worse right now. I'm doing PT at a major paper and working a few other freelance jobs, making OK money but nothing great, and feeling like it's become an impossible feat to work my way up to something I'll feel fulfilled by. It seems as though if you didn't get in somewhere good a while ago, you have virtually no chance of getting in now. There are psome smaller-paper jobs out there, but I'm not interested in being a lifer or trying to start over again.
I'm curious what others in the same situation have done/will do/planned to do.
I'm creeping on 30 and still am FAR from where I'd hoped to be at this point. The only thing that's kept me going this long is the bleief that I can do the job at a high level, and the fear of looking back years from now and regretting giving up on my dream. Most people I know either think I'm an idiot for sticking to spors writing this long, when they've seen my struggle and heard the constant blubs about cutbacks and layoffs, or just don't understand how the business works at all. If there was another firled that interested me nearly as much, I'd jump, but this is what I do. I love to write, and I love sports.
A few years ago I thought the job market was bad, but it's 10x worse right now. I'm doing PT at a major paper and working a few other freelance jobs, making OK money but nothing great, and feeling like it's become an impossible feat to work my way up to something I'll feel fulfilled by. It seems as though if you didn't get in somewhere good a while ago, you have virtually no chance of getting in now. There are psome smaller-paper jobs out there, but I'm not interested in being a lifer or trying to start over again.
I'm curious what others in the same situation have done/will do/planned to do.