Well-Known Member
I feel very fortunate to have been raised in the Cantonese way of parenting. My mom, who I love to death and who, my wife tells me, I think "can do no wrong", parented seriously old school. Don't ask very much, corporal punishment if needed (I got the feather duster once across the back of the legs at 6 or 7 and that was enough), and demand that I (1) respect your parents/grandparents/grownups/elders; (2) don't embarrass the family; (3) do the right thing and (4) do well in school. With my dad passing, I see her at least once a week, talk nearly every day. However, our conversations are not too intrusive. I only share what I want and what is necessary. Conversely, oh boy, wifey has the exact opposite. My in-laws want to know EVERYTHING and unfortunately (IMHO) second guess everything and simply cannot let well enough go. I cannot do that, I certainly learn from the past but have never second-guessed anything because I figure that's done with, can't change anything, only leads to negative thoughts. Flush it away. My mom taught me that and for that I am forever grateful (luckily my stepdad was the same).