Dear 21,
Even a rabid, hard-core, carrot-bandoliered wooter like you can't spend every minute of every day on Woot. It's important to leave time for rewarding personal pursuits such as macrame, moonshine production, and reading about Woot on other websites. We can't help you with the first two, but here's what today's mash media has to say about our little souvenir stand.
Lifehacker offers The Complete Guide to Capturing Woot! Off Loot, a verbal Sherpa guiding you through the peaks and valleys of the rugged Woot-Off terrain. Clip and save for (very near-)future use.
Web dynamo Jason Fried asks Why Is Business Writing So Awful? And you know when somebody says "awful writing", Woot can't be far behind. But we think he likes us: "The quality of the writing on sites like Woot's gives me the chills." Aw, we bet you say that to all the websites.
Gizmodo was recently kind enough to give some space to our own head writer Jason Toon's account of how he conquered his first Woot-Off. Humbled by the attention, Jason echoes Mario Puzo's famous comment about The Godfather: "If I'd known so many people were going to read it, I'd have written it better."
Who says journalism is dead? Oh, right, everybody. But what really matters is that at least a few of its dying gasps are about Woot.
Signing off from the news desk -
P.S. We know how you guys hate Woot-Off killers. Help us kill one before it kills the next Woot-Off, wouldja? This Bushnell GPS looks pretty good when it's not surrounded by Woot-Off hubbub. Hurry, though, there's not much time...