used to be a must-read every day for me. Now, I don't even click on it once a week.
Other than newspapers, I read Passan's column on Yahoo more consistently than any other 'Net writer.
And frankly -- I find out about breaking news, sports and otherwise, on SJ quicker than I ever did on ESPN. I suspect I'm not the only one here who does that ... and/or Retrosheet is always my bookmark for any MLB research, but I use Yahoo to check quick facts on most other sports. The reason? ESPN takes too long to load, with so many ads, commercials, graphics and the like. Plus, I can't stand CBSsportsline or And who the heck goes to Not I, anyway ...
Mike Gee's right: The design does count. But more than that, it's the user-friendly access. Because like many people, I have Internet ADD. If your page has too much crap or takes too long to load (especially on broadband), I've already tried some other site to find what I'm looking for. Yahoo is accurate, quick, and easy: case closed.