Taking Shaq's cartoonish Inside tough guy act out of this, I understand what he's saying. Essentially, he's advocating a kind of old school, send-a-message-to-the-shirt-housing that Sabonis did definitely do in both games by grabbing Draymond's leg. I don't entirely disagree with it.
But part of that bargain is that if you do the crime? Do the time. Draymond knew he was being excessive. Knew it the minute he coiled back his leg and snapped it like a mole trap directly onto Sabonis' torso.
That's what makes it so stupid. Draymond could have waited and stuck an elbow into Sabonis or some other dirty shirt later on that wouldn't have been as obvious, nor seem as out of proportion in the moment to what he did to Sabonis.
His impulsiveness to stick it to Sabonis right then and there, and of course, his gasoline-on-the-fire reaction afterwards, will hurt his team when he's inevitably punished for it. As he should be punished because his message was out of proportion to the original sin. Go ahead and do the crime, but don't bench when you have to do the time.
I'm surprised the Warriors haven't come to the conclusion that Draymond's unbalanced nonsense is hurting them more than helping. I'm not talking in the short term of a playoff series, as presently constructed, they need him. I'm talking long term. He's not the only big forward in the NBA who can do the dirty work stuff he excels at. There's others out there who can do the same (my Bucks have one in Bobby Portis) ... without all of the bullshirt he brings to the table.