Can't easily find a clip of it, but Charles Huff had a great quote from his introductory press conference at Southern Miss on Thursday:
"There will be a recruiting weekend next weekend like you've never seen before. There's going to be fireworks, helicopters, hot air balloons. Not because that stuff matters, but because those kids are that important to what we're trying to build. Typically when you propose to your wife you don't it at Hooters with a beer. You go all out and set it up and make it feel special."
Totally a threadjack, but whatev: My wife's niece's boyfriend is proposing next weekend, and all the family has been invited. Niece's mother has hired a photographer and there's going to be a post-engagement party. This will be in addition to another engagement party in niece's hometown and another where she went to college and endless showers and brunches and blah blah blah.
When I asked Mrs. Flip to marry me 28 years ago, it was on the couch in my apartment after I had cooked dinner for her. No fanfare, no audience, no damn photographer. This is a stupid trend that needs to stop. I'm 100 percent sure that my daughter will not do anything like that if she ever gets married, and my son's girlfriend - if they stay together - will shut that crap down real quick.