The guy listened to more than 9 hours of Trump's bullshirt. We all know he heard all kinds of crap and exaggerations. For all Woodward knew, that particular comment was just more Trump bullshirt. Nobody would have rushed out to report a comment like that immediately. It's revisionist nonsense.
Woodward does what he does. He was working on a book -- was still working on it. I can understand not blowing the whole project up to rush out with a tidbit of information that would have had absolutely zero impact on anything by the time he could have felt comfortable bringing it to the public.
There was already a lot being promulgated about it being an airborne virus. From reputable, infectious disease experts, including early studies from China that were widely reported here. The same idiots who are still refusing to wear masks or distance wouldn't have behaved any differently if Bob Woodward had run out to report the comment.
As for that clip, I thought Woodward sounded old and out of touch, but the woman asking the question jumped down his throat and was not going to be satisfied by anything he said. He was in a no-win situation, even if he had handled it better. And then, because he refused to back down, she immediately went to accusing him of misogyny. What if it wasn't misogyny, he was just frustrated by a person (man, woman or martian) who was refusing to hear what he had to say and resorting to hyperbole about all the lives Bob Woodward should have saved?