I've been sports editor of The Clarion-Ledger since May of 2002. During that time, the only "issue" regarding the switching of beat reporters that I'm aware of is when Todd Kelly moved from the Miss. State beat to high schools because he did not want to move to Starkville and wanted to remain in Jackson, where he has lived for some 20 years. Wasn't really an "issue" at all. We had an opening covering preps, Todd loves doing it and does a great job. Our MSU, UM and USM writers now live in Starkville, Oxford and Hattiesburg, respectively.
Robert Wilson covered high schools here for many years. He covered USM for several years. When I came in as sports editor, he had already been switched back to covering high schools. When he resigned in June of 2004 to publish a Christian-based, sports-themed magazine is when Todd moved back to covering preps and we hired from outside to fill our MSU beat. There might have been some bigger "issues" regarding the rotation of beats before 2002, but there hasn't been since I've been here.
Robert Wilson covered high schools here for many years. He covered USM for several years. When I came in as sports editor, he had already been switched back to covering high schools. When he resigned in June of 2004 to publish a Christian-based, sports-themed magazine is when Todd moved back to covering preps and we hired from outside to fill our MSU beat. There might have been some bigger "issues" regarding the rotation of beats before 2002, but there hasn't been since I've been here.