Agreed. But better they go on their own terms than three other ways:
1) A band member dies unexpectedly (far too often, it seems to be an OD).
2) They were to keep going and people no longer showed up (listen to Genesis' "Duchess" ... simply sublime)
3) They keep going out there in a blatant money grab (too many bands do this for too long, doesn't really bring it or clearly has lost too much off the fastball).
Listen to their last studio album, "Clockwork Angels." Listen to "Caravan," the title track and "The Garden." Fastball was still there. Not an album the level of "Moving Pictures," "Permanent Waves" or "2112," but that's a daunting baseline. No way they'll go under the "one album too many" category.
This, relatively speaking, is the way to go.