And do not think this won't trickle down (trickle up?) to college sports in general. Fewer students, fewer players (football participation is already down). Ultimately, fewer people who give a crud. heck, Notre Dame just announced they're closing!
if this isn't a "click-bait" HOF nominee, I don't know what is.
Hyper-organized youth sports will drive down participant numbers over time because kids are in essence given the signal that, if you're not at level X by the time you're age X, you may as well not start because you'll be behind.
Exceptions are made, of course, in football, where a giant kid can start playing at 17, have few bad habits, and turn out just fine. But there's an impression that, if you haven't pitched by a certain age, you could be 6-3, 200 in HS, and you won't be able to do it. (Which is ludicrous.)