Believe nothing about Suddenlink. Back where I'm from, they're rearranging rates and moving the goalposts whenever family cancels part of a package. Worse, they somehow a monopoly in their town. Took multiple complaints before the state AG announced that they were investigating. I'm betting there's a kickback to some city government worker(s) somewhere.
In summary, be highly skeptical about Suddenlink.
I live in a small'ish town (just outside of a major metro area) and Suddenlink was the best possible option. But in not touching my cable package in the four years I've lived here, my bill has slowly inched up from $160/mo to $250/mo.
Here's the thing that is truly baffling to me:
Cable companies are being absolutely GUTTED by streaming. When I can get the same channels for half the price from Hulu/Sling/YouTube, and they are fairly transparent with rate hikes and when they're happening, cable needs to figure its ship out. But then, when I called to cut my cable, suddenly they had an amazing rate? They really need to figure out some way to offer the exact same rate to every single customer, and it needs to be the basement rate, and it needs to be competitive with these streaming services. (I know it'll vary a bit because of taxes, but the base rate for their services could be way lower.) Otherwise, they're all gonna go under.
I even got my technophobe parents to completely ditch THEIR cable after I showed them how my YouTube TV worked over the holidays. I never thought I'd see the day. I did have to have multiple FaceTime convos with my father on "how streaming works" and "where can I watch Hogan's Heroes" before they cut the cord though. I've set their TVs up with access to my Hulu account (which is just phenomenal when it comes to great clashic TV shows) but that entire concept of "I can watch any episode of this TV show whenever I want" hasn't quite caught on with them yet. Baby steps.