BillyT said:
HejiraHenry said:
Caller wanted to know why we don't cover the football team at Columbus (Miss.) High School.
Well, I said, it's because we don't sell papers there -- it's 70 miles away and outside of our circulation footprint.
That really didn't suit her. She was confident that we "had something against" that team.
Did I mention that her grandson is an assistant coach there? Of course he is.
Henry: I walways worry when I see a post at 11:15 on a Friday night.
Reminds me once of a phone call I got at the small town daily where I worked. This was a p.m. paper with a Saturday a.m. edition, with no Sunday paper. Keep in mind that this was the late 90s, email wasn't as universal as it is now, and neither was our technology at the paper.
Call came, I'd say, around 11 p.m. on a Friday night.
Me: Hello, Podunk Daily Times
Other guy: Hello, what time do you go to press?
Me: Um, pretty shortly.
Other guy: Well, how shortly does the press start running?
Me: It starts running at midnight.
Other guy: Then I'm not too late.
Me: Actually, our deadline for results is 10:30, but I'll see if I have some space on the sports page.
Other guy: No, I'm not calling for a sports result. I'm Kane the Undertaker at the Paul Bearer Funeral Home. I have a funeral notice that has to run tomorrow morning. The funeral is Sunday.
Me: I'm sorry sir, but the deadline for obituaries is at 5 p.m. for the Saturday paper.
Other guy: What do you mean, 5 p.m.? You just said the press started at midnight.
Me: That's true sir, but we do the obituary pages in advance. The pages are already done and gone to press.
Other guy: You said the press hasn't started yet. So I have time to submit this funeral notice in. What's your fax number?
Me: Sir, it's not going to run tomorrow.
Other guy: Why not? What are you guys doing down there?
Me: Because we don't have time to receive your fax, type in your notice, tear up the page, re-design the page, get it ready for the camera, shoot it, and then get it up on the press in 55 minutes.
Other guy: Why don't you have time? Who else is there?
Me: The Assistant News Editor.
Other guy: Let me talk to him.
Me: He's busy.
Other guy: Doing what?
Me: Putting out the rest of the paper.
Then the guy threatened to call the publisher, I told him to go ahead, although if he did, then he would guarantee that it wouldn't run. That Monday, publisher told me about it, and said the guy had been an asshole for years.