Jersey_Guy said:
You'd better have a squeeky clean house if you're going to make that your schtick.
All it takes is one whack job posting pictures of your kids or writing about your DUI or stealing your identity and suddenly the cute wiseass mailbag sure won't seem like it was worth it.
Doyle's mailbag is a bit like those softcore fake porn movies on Skinimax. You can probably make a good living directing them, but they'll detract from any legitimate work you try to do (and Doyle, to his credit, does do good work some times).
Fabulous analogy.
My biggest problem with it is that here we have Doyel, who works for a massive multimedia conglomerate, basically kicking sand in the face of the Average Joe.
The Polk thing is a flabbergasting combination of unrestrained snarkdom and journalistic laziness.