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El Sid ripped


Active Member
Dec 28, 2005
Noticed on Romenesko an item where the Minny Star Trib public editor ripped Sid Hartman for his gloating column regarding Minny finally getting its stadiums approved.
Hartman ripped the polticos who voted against: "Voting no were Linda Berglin, Scott Dibble, Larry Pogemiller and Jane Ranum. Most of them don't know the difference between a baseball and a hockey stick. The heck with doing the right thing, they were only worried about being reelected."
The public editor pointed out that Jane Ranum has announced she is not running for re-election because she needs to devote time to her husband, who has a degenerative brain disease. A correction was printed. The PE said Hartman should apologize. Here's part of her column: Hartman was unapologetic. When I sought to interview him for this column, he would say only, "I was referring to the whole Legislature. I think I'm right. You write what you want." At that point, he cut off the interview. He apologized later for "being gruff," but stood his ground about the column.
I'm sure his old pal Bob Knight will send Sid a letter of support.
I remember back in '94 I was an agate and when our NBA writer went on vacation, I got to fill in for him at the team's post-draft camp.

The team drafted Voshon Lenard in the second round. I did this bang-up feature on him, spoke to his dad (who was at the camp). Both swore up and down he wouldn't take advantage of the (then) new rule allowing players to return to school after being drafted, so that was the gist of the story. Feature ran on the front page the next morning -- my first ever. Then my SE calls me mid-afternoon and says, "Lenard is going back to school." After shirtting my pants, I tracked down the appropriate people and wrote a decent follow-up story.

Anyway, I'm back at home now, rattled by the whole experience and the phone rings. I answer, and on the other line is Sid Hartman. Me, being a punk-ass kid, had no idea who this grumpy old man was calling me. Anyway, he badgered me into giving him some info about Lenard, then hung up with barely a thank you.

My brush with grate-ness.
Not with the people I associate with!

Sid is a first class self-important jerk as far as I'm concerned. The couple times I've been in the Metrodome press box for a game, he has either brushed by me with not so much as an "excuse me" or he has given me eye daggers.

I can think of a couple ex-pros who thought he was a joke.

I don't know why he is still around. Yuck!
I heard another great story about Sid from a former Vikings beat guy, who said one day following a practice Sid backed his big Lincoln or Cadillac or whatever he drove right into the cherrypicker that was holding the team's video guy about 50 feet in the air.

Nearly knocked him out of it. But instead of apologizing, he got out and yelled at whomever had the gall to park that damned truck there. And this was in the players' lot, no less.

Class act.
It would be well worth anyone's time to read Don Yaeger and Doug Looney's book, "Under the Tarnished Dome.'' The section about Sid Hartman is absolutely priceless on how some of the national media treat this joke.
I backed a chair into his path once in the Metrodome press box. Sid was not thrilled. I was not impressed. I think the phrase, "Go blow an owner" flew indiscreetly. We have not spoken since.
SockPuppet said:
I'm sure his old pal Bob Knight will send Sid a letter of support.
Sid has no pals. You're either against that doddering old fork, or you're a "close, personal friend."

I remember one time in the Metrodome for a UM-UM game. We're interviewing lloyd Carr in the hallway for postgame; Sid strolls up with his tape recorder and microphone, starts his own personal interview finishes and walks away -- leaving the local guys shaking their heads and the Michigan guys saying what the fork is he doing,...
Fenian_Bastard said:
I backed a chair into his path once in the Metrodome press box. Sid was not thrilled. I was not impressed. I think the phrase, "Go blow an owner" flew indiscreetly. We have not spoken since.
I'm sure it was accidental on your part, right? ::)
slappy4428 said:
Sid has no pals. You're either against that doddering old fork, or you're a "close, personal friend."

Confession time: I used to work for a MN professional sports team.

More than once during my time with that team, I used to hear snide comments -- both players and front office -- about being a "close, personal friend" of Sid's.

I remember years and years ago he used to have a spot on WCCO radio during "The Cannon Mess" (I still miss Steve Cannon!) where Sid did his "close, personal friend" schtick.

I wish he'd just retire! He's such an embarrassment to this state!
slappy4428 said:
SockPuppet said:
I'm sure his old pal Bob Knight will send Sid a letter of support.
I remember one time in the Metrodome for a UM-UM game. We're interviewing lloyd Carr in the hallway for postgame; Sid strolls up with his tape recorder and microphone, starts his own personal interview finishes and walks away -- leaving the local guys shaking their heads and the Michigan guys saying what the fork is he doing,...
ok, i don't know this guy, and he sounds like a jerk

but ... what exactly did he do wrong here? interview Lloyd Carr on his own away from the group interview? that's a bad thing?
Sounds like a jerk?

He's a pompous, arrogant SOB!

Maybe you have to experience him in person, write then drink. He's very rude, has no respect for anyone other than himself and his "close, personal friends" and looks down on others as very insignificant. The way I read Slappy's post (and Slappy, correct me if I'm wrong) Sid most likely barged in and interrupted the first interview for his own.

That's just wrong in my book.

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