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Noticed on Romenesko an item where the Minny Star Trib public editor ripped Sid Hartman for his gloating column regarding Minny finally getting its stadiums approved.
Hartman ripped the polticos who voted against: "Voting no were Linda Berglin, Scott Dibble, Larry Pogemiller and Jane Ranum. Most of them don't know the difference between a baseball and a hockey stick. The heck with doing the right thing, they were only worried about being reelected."
The public editor pointed out that Jane Ranum has announced she is not running for re-election because she needs to devote time to her husband, who has a degenerative brain disease. A correction was printed. The PE said Hartman should apologize. Here's part of her column: Hartman was unapologetic. When I sought to interview him for this column, he would say only, "I was referring to the whole Legislature. I think I'm right. You write what you want." At that point, he cut off the interview. He apologized later for "being gruff," but stood his ground about the column.
I'm sure his old pal Bob Knight will send Sid a letter of support.
Hartman ripped the polticos who voted against: "Voting no were Linda Berglin, Scott Dibble, Larry Pogemiller and Jane Ranum. Most of them don't know the difference between a baseball and a hockey stick. The heck with doing the right thing, they were only worried about being reelected."
The public editor pointed out that Jane Ranum has announced she is not running for re-election because she needs to devote time to her husband, who has a degenerative brain disease. A correction was printed. The PE said Hartman should apologize. Here's part of her column: Hartman was unapologetic. When I sought to interview him for this column, he would say only, "I was referring to the whole Legislature. I think I'm right. You write what you want." At that point, he cut off the interview. He apologized later for "being gruff," but stood his ground about the column.
I'm sure his old pal Bob Knight will send Sid a letter of support.