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Five fun facts about your life

1. I was once thisclose to running over Mark Cuban with my car. Whoops.
2. I lived within walking distance of every school I attended, including college, from the same house.
3. I once rode a motorcycle 140 mph -- but will not get on a rollercoaster.
4. I'm fortycoughcoughcough and I don't know how to swim.
5. Whatever important movie you can think of, there's probably a better than 50-50 chance I haven't seen it.
My gf is 37 and just last year learned how to ride a bike and to swim. I kind of guilted her into it, pointing out that my 9 year old daughter could basically kick her ass in two thirds of a triathlon.
  • I got thrown out of RiverBlues at Penns Landing in Philly one year for jumping in front of BB King's golf cart and shouting at him. (I'd had too much to drink.)
  • I got tossed out of the old Sands Casino in Atlantic City for passing out face down on the carpet in the gaming area. (I told security I was looking for my contact lens, but I was wearing glasses.)
  • I spent a day with people from the US Geological survey free diving and mapping karst formations and the aquifer of northeastern Guam.
  • I was robbed in Benin, Nigeria, and contracted malaria in Calabar, Nigeria.
  • I have eaten two endangered species.
- I quit college to take a job in radio because I left a cassette tape of my work from college radio at that station by accident and they liked it so much they hired me. After realizing I was a 21-yr-old punk that didn't want to follow their rules, I was fired 5 days into the job. I re-enrolled into college that semester and made Dean's List because my classes were Intro to Basketball and 3 internships with local radio and TV stations.
- My distant relative was paid to throw a World Series game.
- I was fired from my college newspaper because I had my car broken into, so I posed as a reporter for the paper and interviewed a bunch of skaters that always hung out in that parking lot and I assumed one of them broke into my car. So I got all their names for this fake story and reported them to the cops. My editor found out and fired me on the spot. I don't blame him one bit.
- I have been to multiple swinger parties. I have never partaken, though, in the revelry.
- Then governor of Michigan, Jim Blanchard, probably saved my life when I was a child. He pushed me out of the way of a charging moose during a relocation project in the 80s. My uncle worked for the Dept. of Natural Resources and so he took me along and we were right next to the boxes that opened to let the moose out. Instead of hi-tailing it into the woods, one of them turned around and charged at me. Blanchard pushed me out of the way and someone else with the DNR was able to scare it to turn into the woods. Even at 10 years old, yes, your life can flash in front of your eyes. LOL
- I quit college to take a job in radio because I left a cassette tape of my work from college radio at that station by accident and they liked it so much they hired me. After realizing I was a 21-yr-old punk that didn't want to follow their rules, I was fired 5 days into the job. I re-enrolled into college that semester and made Dean's List because my classes were Intro to Basketball and 3 internships with local radio and TV stations.
- My distant relative was paid to throw a World Series game.
- I was fired from my college newspaper because I had my car broken into, so I posed as a reporter for the paper and interviewed a bunch of skaters that always hung out in that parking lot and I assumed one of them broke into my car. So I got all their names for this fake story and reported them to the cops. My editor found out and fired me on the spot. I don't blame him one bit.
- I have been to multiple swinger parties. I have never partaken, though, in the revelry.
- Then governor of Michigan, Jim Blanchard, probably saved my life when I was a child. He pushed me out of the way of a charging moose during a relocation project in the 80s. My uncle worked for the Dept. of Natural Resources and so he took me along and we were right next to the boxes that opened to let the moose out. Instead of hi-tailing it into the woods, one of them turned around and charged at me. Blanchard pushed me out of the way and someone else with the DNR was able to scare it to turn into the woods. Even at 10 years old, yes, your life can flash in front of your eyes. LOL

If you weren't going to partake, why did you go to swinger parties? Isn't that what they're for?

The moose thing sounds very much like it should be a scene from a sitcom. Maybe Benson since a governor is involved.

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