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I putt a spel on yu


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2002
Over the last few weeks I have noticed a deeply disturbing trend in the amount of typos I am putting out into the world - both on my phone and my work keyboard.

Earlier this month I actually did a Google search to see if it was possible to develop dyslexia as an adult. My typing has gotten simply atrocious, and it is not because I don't know spelling and grammar.

I think some of it is because of the speed at which I type leads to more mistakes. But I am not sure why it would have become such a pronounced problem lately. Are my thoughts racing faster than my brain can keep up? Is there something starting to rear its head with my family history of dementia?

It sounds like such a trivial thing, but I figured this would be the one place where people would understand wanting to take pride in written communication skills and why it disturbs me so much.
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My phone has taken to changing correctly spelled words to incorrectly spelled ones. Like I'll type "spelled" and it will switch it to "speled." It doesn't happen all the time but often enough that I think it must be some kind of iOS bug. Or "kjnd" of iOS bug as my phone just now wanted me to write.
Over the last few weeks I have noticed a deeply disturbing trend in the amount of typos I am putting out into the world - both on my phone and my work keyboard.

Earlier this month I actually did a Google search to see if it was possible to develop dyslexia as an adult. My typing has gotten simply atrocious, and it is not because I don't know spelling and grammar.

I think some of it is because of the speed at which I type leads to more mistakes. But I am not sure why it would have become such a pronounced problem lately. Are my thoughts racing faster than my brain can keep up? Is there something starting to rear its head with my family history of dementia?

It sounds like such a trivial thing, but I figured this would be the one place why people would understand wanting to take pride in written communication skills and why it disturbs me so much.

I'm here for you. Welcome to bad spellers of SJ. Let's untie.
Autocorrect is the devil.

Whomever thought computer programmers should write algorithms (Al Gore rhythms?) to determine the probability of the succeeding letters as predictive text should have had their balls cut off. Programmers are quite possibly the worst spellers on the planet. You can be good at math or good at spelling, but very few are good at both. And guess what programmers are not good at.

Sorry, I learned to type on a manual typewriter, so the whole process of trying to use one or two tips of my fingers to make my smartphone keypad work correctly results in words like t5reat5 or u8nu8su8al. Perhaps there is a way to dis-autocorrect it but it's hardly worth of the effort based on the limited amount of texting I do.

Still, I miss the satisfying "thunk" of hammer upon platen. Or even one of the original IBM PC keyboards that clicked in response when you touched the keys. My HP isn't sensitive or selective enough to give me the correct feedback, so I'm constantly looking up at the screen to see if I actuallygotthespacebar to work.

And don't even get me started on the terrible touch pad. I can't get far enough down and left sometimes for it to respond correctly to my expectations.
Also burdened with a case of sausage fingers. Not a huge fan of the "virtual keyboard" - loved my slider phone back in the day. Still don't know how the kids type so fast though.

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