This happened tonight at my place of work and I've been stewing about it ever since. I forked up. I misspelled a word in a headline when I was rimming a story. I spell check everything, but I totally glossed over the mistake and moved the story on through. Nice big misspelled word in 50 point type, and thankfully it was caught. And I am grateful for that, I am. But the person who caught it proceeded to bust my balls in front of everyone on the copy desk. "You gotta make sure you run your headlines through spell check." Just so you know, this person has made it a point to announce my fork-ups plenty of times before. And, to me, it's totally condescending. Copy editors fork up from time to time, too.
This person I'm speaking of, we essentially have the same job. Tonight I was rim, but mostly I'm proof, sort of a pseudo-slot position. And when a rimmer forks up a headline or a cutline, I change it. I don't announce it to the world, I just change it, I make the correction. That's my job as a proofer, right? I trust their abilities and I know they didn't mean to screw up, they just do sometimes. They're human. I don't have a problem when a slot editor or a night editor calls me out like that. That's their job, and sometimes fear is a good motivator. It does, however, bug me when a part-timer, who happens to be the biggest kiss-ass I've met in my life, does this. This person is a decent copy editor, better than me, and when this person rewrites my heds, most of the time, this person makes improvements. (Pardon my lack of pronouns, by the way). I just hate her guts (whoops). I guess what I'm asking to you more experienced folk on the desk, is she completely forking out of line for calling me out like this? Or is this protocol? I'm new, three months in, a decent worker, and seriously guys and gals, I'm not a total pussy, I'm not the type of person to let people walk all over me, but I am seeking advice. Is the time right to grow a sac and make a scene or should I appreciate the humiliation because it'll make me better at my job?
This person I'm speaking of, we essentially have the same job. Tonight I was rim, but mostly I'm proof, sort of a pseudo-slot position. And when a rimmer forks up a headline or a cutline, I change it. I don't announce it to the world, I just change it, I make the correction. That's my job as a proofer, right? I trust their abilities and I know they didn't mean to screw up, they just do sometimes. They're human. I don't have a problem when a slot editor or a night editor calls me out like that. That's their job, and sometimes fear is a good motivator. It does, however, bug me when a part-timer, who happens to be the biggest kiss-ass I've met in my life, does this. This person is a decent copy editor, better than me, and when this person rewrites my heds, most of the time, this person makes improvements. (Pardon my lack of pronouns, by the way). I just hate her guts (whoops). I guess what I'm asking to you more experienced folk on the desk, is she completely forking out of line for calling me out like this? Or is this protocol? I'm new, three months in, a decent worker, and seriously guys and gals, I'm not a total pussy, I'm not the type of person to let people walk all over me, but I am seeking advice. Is the time right to grow a sac and make a scene or should I appreciate the humiliation because it'll make me better at my job?