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Nashville Stories

Another Nashville radio memory. One of the morning drive time guys asked people to honk if they were the father of Tanya Tucker's baby. They were doing a remote from the Harding Mall parking lot. Right at that moment, a bus from a state correctional facility rolled by and they must have been listening. The driver honked and they all cheered.
I have stayed at the former King of the Road in Nashville.
I have seen Jimmy Buffett in Nashville.
I have not had my ass kicked by Buford Pusser in the parking lot of the King of the Road.
One of the people I hold dearest in this world dated Buford Pusser's daughter in high school.
I have stayed at the former King of the Road in Nashville.
I have seen Jimmy Buffett in Nashville.
I have not had my ass kicked by Buford Pusser in the parking lot of the King of the Road.
One of the people I hold dearest in this world dated Buford Pusser's daughter in high school.

I'll bet that kid was walking tall.
So after my sister graduated Vandy she packed up her long black hair and Southern twang and move to NYC where she landed a PR job. Her galpal, Gina, celebrated her graduation from Belmont by visiting Sister TV in her new town, where they went to lunch and my sister noticed a long haired, distinguished guy with a British accent checking them out. "That's Steve Winwood" my sister informed her friend, who replied "who's that?" Well, who could blame her? This was more than a year before Higher Love reignited his career.
But the quick looks back and forth were soon followed by his introducing himself because, dear readers, Steve had fallen in love at first sight!
Soon enough the couple were married and living in a beautiful view home tucked in the hills off Tyne Blvd in Forest Hills in Nashville.
Wanting to learn as much as he can about his new hometown, Stevie decided he needed to go to a football game. Because this was of course before the Titans, he had slim pickings but he rounded up tickets to a Vandy game hosting Florida. And needing a local to help explain things, Sister TV asked if I would like to chaperone him.
And that's how TigerVols spent an afternoon with Steve Winwood (and his guitarist Dave Mason) on West End watching Vandy pound Florida 24-9.
All these years later the couple are still together.

And a couple of years later he was back in the high life again.
In Nashville about 20 years ago, late winter, and a few of us decided to try and buy scalped tickets to the Predators game. They were surprisingly cheap and surprisingly close: we got into the arena and were only about 12 rows back. Vince Gill and a couple of his kids were sitting right in front of us.
You are so Nashville if
Ooh, thanks for reminding me I missed my favorite contest this year.

36th Annual You Are So Nashville If …

You wonder which will return first: the cicadas or women's rights?

Your kid's fourth-grade teacher isn't allowed to carry their pistol in a rainbow holster.

You agree that Nissan Stadium would make one heck of a Spirit Halloween store.

You were really hoping for a Chris Gaines bar instead of a Garth Brooks bar.

Your plumber has a Grammy.

There's not a single 615 area code on your kid's class parent text thread.

The possibility of getting brained by a celebrity-tossed chair is not even in your top five reasons for avoiding Lower Broad.

You installed a Ring camera in the hopes your drunken neighbor is friends with someone famous.

You've made multiple TikTok videos that start like this: "Hey ladies, if your fiancé's name is Brad and he's on a bachelor weekend in Nashville right now, DO NOT MARRY HIM!!!"

The only Stanley Cup you've ever seen was pink and had a straw.

You chair the Equity Committee of your restrictive covenant-bearing Forest Hills HOA.

iPhone autocorrect still thinks your team's quarterback works for a jeans company.

You're down one option for HVAC service because you don't want to give the governor your money.

Your moms' group has a dot on the SPLC Hate Map.

Your state representative's wife and mistress serve on the church council together.

When you say you miss "Old Nashville," you actually mean Nashville from 2014.

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