So far, the NewsGuild and members of the bargaining committee have refused to negotiate in person. They've been doing this all over Zoom with hundreds of colleagues watching. "That dramatically changes how things are done," says one Times executive. "They are playing to this audience, the whole thing becomes so performative and theatrical in ways that make it hard to get things done."
Many reporters quietly admitted to me this week that they think it's lame how their representatives won't just get in a room to hash it out. "The Guild is sort of like the Democratic Party," says one reporter who is a member. "There are a bunch of moderates who are like, Yeah, this seems fair, everybody needs a fair contract. And then there are a bunch of Bernie and AOC types who are just like, Let's burn the goddamn building down. I get those vibes every time I log onto one of those calls." (Management has said that if the Guild agrees to negotiate in person, they'll allow a hybrid bargaining session in which members can still beam in to observe the proceedings, and that anyone concerned about COVID can also participate virtually.)