Memories of that setup from my Gannett days haunt me to this day. We were shedding staff, cutting travel and freelance budgets to the bone, as they are putting up a huge bank of big flat-screen TVs as a "leaderboard", and a corporate boot-licker was all hardcore about, "We want you guys to fight for page views! Get in each other's faces when you are ahead of them on the leaderboard! This is like the Hunger Games, and if you want to be here, you need to be at the top of those rankings!" And you could easily tell who had aspirations on being the next corporate bullshirt artist, because they would spend lots of their time just sitting in front of those banks of TVs, studying the leaderboard and pretending to take notes, then calling individuals into a conference room for closed-door meetings.
And calling it "clicks" was grounds for punishment.
forking heck on earth.