I Should Coco
Well-Known Member
This is why I respectfully disagree with the guy (not you, dixie) who comes on the journalism threads and dumps all over newspaper companies who still have a print edition.Newspaper owners of all stripes and corporate ownership structures have succeeded in turning their platforms into just another consumer good. So don't be surprised when consumers make a calculated decision to stop buying the product.
Imagine Frosted Flakes losing 10 percent of its buyers in a week and somebody whining those people don't value tasty cereal or the hard-working folks on the assembly line in Battle Creek.
The problem with going online only (or with newspapers' previous efforts to push video, podcasts, etc.) is that consumers have so many options who do those formats so much better. And newspaper owners don't want to spend a dime training their staff or providing them with equipment to shoot and produce videos better.
Yes, the audience for print has shrunk a great deal. But it's the only thing that makes us newspapers different from everything else. Probably wishful thinking on my part, but maybe someday that will be embraced as a strength.
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