stix, I agree with some of your points. The story quickly jumped off the rails once it became a quasi column. Just some truly bad writing, as others have noted. And mentioning how many shares a quote got? If it got 100+ shares or was by far the most shared or commented on post in that paper's history, then I could see justification for including it. But this has been shared 10 times? So what?
That said, I am scratching my head about some of the other quibbles.
It got quite a bit of juice, especially since this reporter tweets, Facebooks and retweets every single thing he ever does, so it caught attention.
A lot of reporters do this, kinda the nature of the beast these days. At a lot of newspapers, wouldn't bosses consider this a good thing? So is your issue with the trend in general or this particular person or someone from this particular small paper doing it?
If not for the reporter's calling attention to the remark, I highly doubt there would've been a suspension (it was never made clear he was ejected for that comment or for general malfeasance).
So the officials waited until seeing the story with the quote and then decided to suspend the coach? Is that what you're trying to argue here? Sorry, but this comes across as being a homer for the coach to me.
I have some issues with this: I understand that it's a reporter's job to cover news, but is this news? Nowhere in the story did he make it clear that anyone was offended or even heard the remark. He never offered the coach a chance to comment on his remark. If you're going to report something like that, seems to me you at least give the coach a chance to comment, or to say "no comment." And you'd better be damn forking sure you heard what you thought you heard and corroborate it with another person or two. I know I would.
1. A young man is laying on the ground motionless for 20 minutes and the opposing coach plays the race card about a penalty. Both the comment and the timing of the comment make it news. I'm struggling to understand why that is even a question.
2. The fourth graf makes it pretty clear plenty of people heard the comment. Who cares if they were offended?
3. Odds are the reporter didn't offer the coach a chance to comment on his remark, because such an exchange isn't written about. But we don't know for sure if he asked the coach and got blown off. Likewise, how do you know from this story he didn't corroborate with other people? And as others have said, the coach didn't come out and say he was quoted inaccurately.
I'm wondering if the reporter only heard it because he was on the sidelines.
So the reporter is in the wrong for being on the sidelines during a game? Is there some jealousy that he got the quote and your paper didn't? Yes, he probably got the quote because he was within earshot and may not have heard it if he was upstairs. I always covered prep football games from the sidelines in part because I was taking photos as well. My only possible issue with this guy's reporting from the sideline isn't the quote but running a photo of the injured player being carted off. To me, that's more of an ethical quandry than running the quote.
Bottom line, coach said something stupid and got called on it. He created the news himself and got himself suspended. Have issues with the way the reporter wrote the story? That makes total sense, because it wasn't well written. Have issues with the reporter enjoying the social media limelight his story created? That's a great topic for discussion, since that has become so prevalent in the industry. But a reporter blaming a fellow reporter for doing his job makes me scratch my head a bit.