I Should Coco
Well-Known Member
Regarding the Idaho plates, there is open hostility toward Californians moving into Idaho — and other western states. So getting the California plates off your car helps.You sound just like my brother who moved to Costa Rica when he retired. He could not wait to leave California, for many of the same reasons you mentioned. And I sometimes feel the same. But I'm not as well off as my brother, so whatever moves I make will need to be economically sound. And I'll need to be sure it's what I want to do, given that I've got a paid-off place to live already, in a coveted area of California. In other words, I've got to be really sure I want to give it up, or else, have some good, special reason for doing so. I really can't just go moving around on a lark, much as I might want to, and wish I could, sometimes.
I've given some thought to Idaho because, like you, I have some family there -- a niece and her family live on 10 acres in Spirit Lake, and some cousins who I've been close to through the years who went to the Boise/Star area -- but frankly, prices there have gone way up in the past few years, in concert with the exodus of Californians to there. And even though it is my kind of place, naturalistically and scenic-wise, the state has become so red and seemingly exteme-leaning to me as to have become a bit frightening in my eyes. I don't know how comfortable I'd feel with all the guns, and openness regarding them, etc. My closest cousin, who moved his family there a couple years ago, even said that, while they've generally liked living there since they moved, things got significantly more comfortable for them once they finally got Idaho plates for their cars. I'm not totally sure what he meant by that, but it didn't sit right with me.
So, yeah, you can tell I've thought about this kind of stuff a lot.
The funny thing about that is most of the Idahoans who hate Californians recently moved from there themselves.