The second (expansion) Senators ghosted after 1972 to become the Texas Rangers, and jeez, talk about old-school AL Yankees/Red Sox farm-team small ball. This top-5 market might as well have been based in Texarkana. Their cheapness made Milburn Drysdale blush.
Finally, some hope in 1989 after Nolan Ryan was signed and a skinny centerfielder called Sammy Sosa showed some hope. But Sosa and other assets were traded soon enough and it was more of the same. Nolan only pitched every fifth day.
To Tom Hicks' credit, he spent some money and got some hittin' in here before he went broke and the team had to be auctioned off.
I saw startup 2A Texas high school football teams win championships before that franchise even sniffed the postseason, and that was with Fergie Jenkins and Nolan Ryan. (They got screwed in 1994 by the strike when they led the AL West, albeit with a losing record.)
They got their heart ripped out in 2011 and came back a dozen years later to slay that demon.