Most have finally dumped the city designation. But someone should have cured the cranial-rectal fusion when they got around to naming two relatively new high schools.
In Jacksonville, they named a new high school Northside ... yes, the same name a school in Beaufort County possesses in a little spot called Pinetown. So now, it's Northside-Jacksonville (sometimes, I go with Jax) and Northside-Pinetown. Then, when they closed the old Williamston High in Martin County, they built a Riverside High School. Oops ... there was already a Riverside in Durham. So there's now a Riverside-Martin and Riverside-Durham.
Just stupid ... and short-sighted, even for North Carolina. It's already enough that so many of the new schools in the metro areas have names that sound like subdivisions (Mallard Creek in Mecklenburg County, Cedar Ridge in Orange County ... and Wake County now has Green Hope and Green Level high schools).
And while we're on the city nomenclature, I originally had Southern Nash's dateline as "Bailey" years ago. Was told that was wrong, that it was "Stanhope." Now coming back to find out that it's in ... Bailey. Huh.
Back on topic ... how about the Wolfpack?