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Running RIP thread for musicians who died in 2022

Wow. K-Tel for Country Music! A handful of hits, but mainly a bunch of followups that bubbled close to the top 10 for well-known artists that you might hear eight bars of in a mid-concert medley or as filler material on a "Greatest Hits" album.

Then again, what did you expect for $22?

I was trying to look for the Time Life infomercial from back in the day that I could have sworn Emery hosted. It kept using Floyd Kramer's "Last Date" as bumper music and that tune's been stuck in my head the better part of a day.
Ralph Emery by all accounts was an incredibly nice man. I feel bad now saying that I found his weekday morning show on Channel 4 to be dishwater dull.

IIRC that show's set and on-screen graphics' primary color was beige, which proved to be a bold choice for the tenor of the broadcast!
Speaking of Ralph Emery and songs that are lost to corporate radio forever, I recognize maybe a third of these songs:

80s country had the build quality of 80s domestic autos, but I still like it in small doses. Don't think I'll spring for this five-album set (or three 8-tracks!) but it might not be a bad jumping off point for a new Spotify list.

If you want to head down a country music rabbit home, have a listen to Cocaine & Rhinestones, a podcast by Tyler Mahan Coe, son of David Allan. It's the history of 20th century country music. The first season was all over the place in the genre, and the second season focuses mainly on George Jones. It's some good listening. I find myself constantly stopping the podcast to go find a full-length version of a song from which he just played an excerpt.

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