Too many equate "singles" with "iconic songs". Tons of well-known songs weren't singles.
As for Springsteen, he is popular, but in a very targeted way. He has always been big among Baby Boomer-aged men, and for a while, that's about all he was popular with. "Born To Run" was a big album, and being "big among Baby Boomer-aged men" was plenty of fuel for album sales in the 70s, but it wasn't exactly going to sweep disco and other pop fare off the charts in the mid 70s.
"Born In The USA" changed the dynamic, but it was short-lived from a charts point of view. "Tunnel Of Love" produced hits, but that almost felt like momentum drafting off "Born In The USA" heat. After that? Soundscan, etc., knocked whatever singles chart momentum Springsteen had out of the box.
Springsteen is weird in that he has near-blanket appeal within his demographic and almost no appeal outside of it.
Besides sportswriters, that is.