The hard reality, SP – and I apologize for saying it bluntly, but I did it myself for my parents – is that, if you're now in the hospice stage, your role from this point on is to guide your mom into a gentle and peaceful pashing. Hardest thing I've ever done. Best thing I've ever done, too, because she was my MOM. As a result, my mom had a beautiful pashing, if you can understand what I'm saying here. To have her die in a corporate hospital was out of the question. We brought her home, to pash in peace and comfort, and that made all the difference for her, and for us, too.
Hospice workers gave me the strength I needed, and they were right. Trust your hospice, is what I'm saying here.
Write me, as needed, about any of this stuff. It ain't easy, but it's very rewarding if you handle it the right way.