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- Feb 22, 2011
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The talk about internet wormholes sent me down this wormhole. And with a grateful nod to BYH's imagination in starting the first one, I thought it might be time to update it.
For my part, I'm going to copy over at least some of the finer entries we had in the great former thread. I lost those which I felt didn't age as well as these. And then feel free to add, everyone.
---------------------- AAA --------------------------
Aliases: Many regulars have them in addition to their "normal" names.
All SportsJournalists.com first team: The top five vote-getters in a category that has no iron-clad criteria (usually people vote for funnest, or most astute):
2003: Mizzougrad96 (Poster of the year), imjustagirl, BitterYoungHack, 21, Clubber_Slang.
2004: imjustagirl (POY), 21, BitterYoungHack, Khartoum, shotglash (or was it alma?).
2005: bubbler (POY), imjustagirl, Hoops_McCann, dooley_womack1, BitterYoungHack
Ask Drunk ______ thread When someone comes on after drinking and starts a thread seeking questions, so they can show how goofy and buzzed they are. Moddy kills thems the second he sees them. The thread that is, not the poster.
ashclown: Much like ashhat.
ashhat: Much like ashclown.
ashhats & decksnorts: The SportsJournalists.com Story: The inevitable tome that will one day recount the board's history.
ash-scented candles: Created (by Buck?) to wipe out the stink of cucumber-melon candles, used mainly in hotel rooms or wherever Moddy's birks leave an aroma all their own.
Attention wart: Someone who overdramatizes the most mundane of life's events, turning the simplest daily problem into a hugely charged emotional event.
---------------------- BBB--------------------------
Big Bowl of decks: As in, go eat a big bowl of decks. I believe it was Big Dog that said it first.
BLOGS!!!!: Sarcastic term used whenever someone states that alternative online media, particularly blogging, is the future of the industry.
Blue type: Denotes the sarcasm font. Arose from Yawn's inability to function.
Boom goes the dynamite: Reference to a painful on-air sports report by a student from Ball State University. It quickly became a catch phrase in broadcasts around the country.
Botty Call: A booty call for those who can't spell.
Bump: Adding a cheap, often meaningless post (the single word "bump" is commonly used) to get a dying thread back on the front page.
---------------------- CCC --------------------------
Charlie Brown: Pays homage to "It's a Crappy Sequel, Charlie Brown!" the longest running thread in SportsJournalists.com history in which board members would say anything that came to mind and follow it with "... Charlie Brown." For instance: My Editor Is A decksnort, Charlie Brown.
Cockdiwaffle: The word used when one can't decide if a person is a Cockdian or Twatwaffle.
---------------------- DDD --------------------------
d_b: Posting old news as if it just occured, a la the universally derided douchebag deep_background.
DTGDTN: Delete This Goddamn Thread Now!! Used whenever a thread goes beyond the acceptable bounds of stupidity or poor taste.
Deer, Rob: The only player comparable to Bo Jackson in MLB history.
decksnorts: Term coined by Night Shifter djc3317 to describe SportsJournalists.com's sedate daysiders.
---------------------- EEE --------------------------
Eight seconds: How long BYH lasts in bed.
End of thread: When someone makes a great post, someone will simply post "End of thread," indicating that the thread can't get any better. The post has had a zero percent success rate so far.
Exploding Cigar Penis: PopeDirkBenedict's tale of a man's phallic woes. Read at your own risk.
---------------------- FFF --------------------------
Fail (n.): Non-physical substance that serves as main ingredient of things that are awful. Can be used in place of any negative noun (ex.: failure). Use of this term labels you an internet geek, thus meaning you are made of fail.
Fanboy looser: Used to describe hardened journalists who still root for teams away from the office. Also see: Moddy.
Fetch me a beer, newbie!: A common reply when a relative newcomer posts something stupid or that has been discussed.
Finished on her grill: Needs no explanation.
forking deckhead: SportsJournalists.com's universal term of endearment.
forking stud: Term coined by Mizzou honoring talented young up-and-comers from journalism factories who are landing huge beats shortly after graduation.
fork you, you forking deckhead: The late, great Spnited's response to most who called him an old deckhead.
Fun with the Quote Function: Used to describe the practice of changing another poster's words when quoting them to make them appear even more silly than they already are. The SportsJournalists.com equivalent of insider sniping, like other standup comedians mocking Carrot Top for being a lousy prop comic.
---------------------- GGG --------------------------
Good enough to work for the Plain Dealer: Reference to a sports writer at a small paper in Ohio who kept applying to work at the Cleveland Plain Dealer and never got an interview. He concluded that he was being discriminated against and he filed a lawsuit.
---------------------- HHH --------------------------
Have a Happy ____ Day: Often used by Moddy, a deflating conversation-ender in which the recipient is to understand that their inclusion in said conversation is no longer desired.
Hoff, The: Germany's favorite pop star and the star of SportsJournalists.com's favorite video ever. Honorable mention goes to Billy Squier.
---------------------- III --------------------------
I'd Hit It: Term coined by Spaceman and used whenever someone wants to indicate a desire to fornicate with a member of the opposite sex, usually a celebrity.
I'm a llama: A sentence that used to appear as default type in the sidesaddle of every new member of sj. It replaced "I love sportsjournalists.com."
---------------------- JJJ --------------------------
Jacoby, Brook: Played in the major leagues from 1981 trough 1992, and in Japan in 1993. He batted and threw right handed. Just a start ... someone else can finish it off.
Jeers: The easy winner of a discussion about how to title the SportsJournalists.com neighborhood bar ambiance that Moddy has fostered. Johnny_dangerously came up with it, and the slogan "where nobody knows your name." It was decided that the restaurant downstairs would be ashclowns.
Just spit coke everywhere: A response used when somebody posts something outrageously funny. The phrase means that it was so funny, that the reader actually spit coke everywhere. See also, Coke Everywhere, Coke All Over Keyboard.
---------------------- LLL --------------------------
Link Please!!: A demand issued by one of the moderators whenever an offensive picture is posted.
Longest opening post of SJ.com history: See this.
Loopy: A reference to New York comminist Mike Lupica. While it might appear to be an offshoot of his name, it is actually how he acts most of the time.
Looser: Became SportsJournalists.com's spelling of "loser," as per bandwagon_boy's spelling when he came on to take credit for a major board crash.
---------------------- MMM --------------------------
Malodorous Swill: Once used to describe the press box food at a Notre Dame football game. See also Fetid Tubes of Flesh.
Mexico, Ron: A specific alias a poster supposedly uses when they are trolling for, er, companionship on the down low. Inspired by a court filing in which a Georgia woman claimed to have contracted VD from Michael Vick, who allegedly used the pen name "Ron Mexico" when registering them at hotels that didn't quite crack the Michelin Guide, and an offshoot Web site that generated random names in a similar vein.
---------------------- NNN --------------------------
NIAFL: No Idiots Allowed Fantasy League. It also means No Invitations Are Forthcoming, Loosers!!! Sorry, but it's the most exclusive fantasy league on SportsJournalists.com ... our own Skull and Bones, if you will.
Never actually happened: What should be a mandatory response when someone claims they spit Coke everywhere, since no one can actually recall the last time they or anyone they know ever did it.
Night crew/day crew: Pretty self-explanatory, though the distinction is usually that the night crew tends to be far wackier than the day crew, though the day crew gets first crack at breaking news, especially industry-related things. The night crew tends to be responsible for inane threads that drag on due to the prevalence of second-shift AM-paper people, poster insomnia, depression, drunkeness or insanity.
Not That There's Anything Wrong With That: Usually indicates that the posters definitely thinks there is something wrong with whatever "that" may be. Taken from the Jennifer Aniston movie "The Object of my Affection," in which it was first uttered by Alan Alda. Often seen in it's shorthand form "NTTAWWT."
For my part, I'm going to copy over at least some of the finer entries we had in the great former thread. I lost those which I felt didn't age as well as these. And then feel free to add, everyone.
---------------------- AAA --------------------------
Aliases: Many regulars have them in addition to their "normal" names.
All SportsJournalists.com first team: The top five vote-getters in a category that has no iron-clad criteria (usually people vote for funnest, or most astute):
2003: Mizzougrad96 (Poster of the year), imjustagirl, BitterYoungHack, 21, Clubber_Slang.
2004: imjustagirl (POY), 21, BitterYoungHack, Khartoum, shotglash (or was it alma?).
2005: bubbler (POY), imjustagirl, Hoops_McCann, dooley_womack1, BitterYoungHack
Ask Drunk ______ thread When someone comes on after drinking and starts a thread seeking questions, so they can show how goofy and buzzed they are. Moddy kills thems the second he sees them. The thread that is, not the poster.
ashclown: Much like ashhat.
ashhat: Much like ashclown.
ashhats & decksnorts: The SportsJournalists.com Story: The inevitable tome that will one day recount the board's history.
ash-scented candles: Created (by Buck?) to wipe out the stink of cucumber-melon candles, used mainly in hotel rooms or wherever Moddy's birks leave an aroma all their own.
Attention wart: Someone who overdramatizes the most mundane of life's events, turning the simplest daily problem into a hugely charged emotional event.
---------------------- BBB--------------------------
Big Bowl of decks: As in, go eat a big bowl of decks. I believe it was Big Dog that said it first.
BLOGS!!!!: Sarcastic term used whenever someone states that alternative online media, particularly blogging, is the future of the industry.
Blue type: Denotes the sarcasm font. Arose from Yawn's inability to function.
Boom goes the dynamite: Reference to a painful on-air sports report by a student from Ball State University. It quickly became a catch phrase in broadcasts around the country.
Botty Call: A booty call for those who can't spell.
Bump: Adding a cheap, often meaningless post (the single word "bump" is commonly used) to get a dying thread back on the front page.
---------------------- CCC --------------------------
Charlie Brown: Pays homage to "It's a Crappy Sequel, Charlie Brown!" the longest running thread in SportsJournalists.com history in which board members would say anything that came to mind and follow it with "... Charlie Brown." For instance: My Editor Is A decksnort, Charlie Brown.
Cockdiwaffle: The word used when one can't decide if a person is a Cockdian or Twatwaffle.
---------------------- DDD --------------------------
d_b: Posting old news as if it just occured, a la the universally derided douchebag deep_background.
DTGDTN: Delete This Goddamn Thread Now!! Used whenever a thread goes beyond the acceptable bounds of stupidity or poor taste.
Deer, Rob: The only player comparable to Bo Jackson in MLB history.
decksnorts: Term coined by Night Shifter djc3317 to describe SportsJournalists.com's sedate daysiders.
---------------------- EEE --------------------------
Eight seconds: How long BYH lasts in bed.
End of thread: When someone makes a great post, someone will simply post "End of thread," indicating that the thread can't get any better. The post has had a zero percent success rate so far.
Exploding Cigar Penis: PopeDirkBenedict's tale of a man's phallic woes. Read at your own risk.
---------------------- FFF --------------------------
Fail (n.): Non-physical substance that serves as main ingredient of things that are awful. Can be used in place of any negative noun (ex.: failure). Use of this term labels you an internet geek, thus meaning you are made of fail.
Fanboy looser: Used to describe hardened journalists who still root for teams away from the office. Also see: Moddy.
Fetch me a beer, newbie!: A common reply when a relative newcomer posts something stupid or that has been discussed.
Finished on her grill: Needs no explanation.
forking deckhead: SportsJournalists.com's universal term of endearment.
forking stud: Term coined by Mizzou honoring talented young up-and-comers from journalism factories who are landing huge beats shortly after graduation.
fork you, you forking deckhead: The late, great Spnited's response to most who called him an old deckhead.
Fun with the Quote Function: Used to describe the practice of changing another poster's words when quoting them to make them appear even more silly than they already are. The SportsJournalists.com equivalent of insider sniping, like other standup comedians mocking Carrot Top for being a lousy prop comic.
---------------------- GGG --------------------------
Good enough to work for the Plain Dealer: Reference to a sports writer at a small paper in Ohio who kept applying to work at the Cleveland Plain Dealer and never got an interview. He concluded that he was being discriminated against and he filed a lawsuit.
---------------------- HHH --------------------------
Have a Happy ____ Day: Often used by Moddy, a deflating conversation-ender in which the recipient is to understand that their inclusion in said conversation is no longer desired.
Hoff, The: Germany's favorite pop star and the star of SportsJournalists.com's favorite video ever. Honorable mention goes to Billy Squier.
---------------------- III --------------------------
I'd Hit It: Term coined by Spaceman and used whenever someone wants to indicate a desire to fornicate with a member of the opposite sex, usually a celebrity.
I'm a llama: A sentence that used to appear as default type in the sidesaddle of every new member of sj. It replaced "I love sportsjournalists.com."
---------------------- JJJ --------------------------
Jacoby, Brook: Played in the major leagues from 1981 trough 1992, and in Japan in 1993. He batted and threw right handed. Just a start ... someone else can finish it off.
Jeers: The easy winner of a discussion about how to title the SportsJournalists.com neighborhood bar ambiance that Moddy has fostered. Johnny_dangerously came up with it, and the slogan "where nobody knows your name." It was decided that the restaurant downstairs would be ashclowns.
Just spit coke everywhere: A response used when somebody posts something outrageously funny. The phrase means that it was so funny, that the reader actually spit coke everywhere. See also, Coke Everywhere, Coke All Over Keyboard.
---------------------- LLL --------------------------
Link Please!!: A demand issued by one of the moderators whenever an offensive picture is posted.
Longest opening post of SJ.com history: See this.
Loopy: A reference to New York comminist Mike Lupica. While it might appear to be an offshoot of his name, it is actually how he acts most of the time.
Looser: Became SportsJournalists.com's spelling of "loser," as per bandwagon_boy's spelling when he came on to take credit for a major board crash.
---------------------- MMM --------------------------
Malodorous Swill: Once used to describe the press box food at a Notre Dame football game. See also Fetid Tubes of Flesh.
Mexico, Ron: A specific alias a poster supposedly uses when they are trolling for, er, companionship on the down low. Inspired by a court filing in which a Georgia woman claimed to have contracted VD from Michael Vick, who allegedly used the pen name "Ron Mexico" when registering them at hotels that didn't quite crack the Michelin Guide, and an offshoot Web site that generated random names in a similar vein.
---------------------- NNN --------------------------
NIAFL: No Idiots Allowed Fantasy League. It also means No Invitations Are Forthcoming, Loosers!!! Sorry, but it's the most exclusive fantasy league on SportsJournalists.com ... our own Skull and Bones, if you will.
Never actually happened: What should be a mandatory response when someone claims they spit Coke everywhere, since no one can actually recall the last time they or anyone they know ever did it.
Night crew/day crew: Pretty self-explanatory, though the distinction is usually that the night crew tends to be far wackier than the day crew, though the day crew gets first crack at breaking news, especially industry-related things. The night crew tends to be responsible for inane threads that drag on due to the prevalence of second-shift AM-paper people, poster insomnia, depression, drunkeness or insanity.
Not That There's Anything Wrong With That: Usually indicates that the posters definitely thinks there is something wrong with whatever "that" may be. Taken from the Jennifer Aniston movie "The Object of my Affection," in which it was first uttered by Alan Alda. Often seen in it's shorthand form "NTTAWWT."
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