Hell, we had a photog who was always looking for THE SHOT. He climbed on top of the batting cage ... during the game. Ump ran his ash.
Many years ago we hired a photographer who, I guess, was looking to make an impression early in his tenure. He did, but not a good one.
On his first day our photo editor was showing him around and took him to a high school basketball game in the evening. At some point, a couple of teenage fans either got into a fight or were acting the fool and were ejected by security. As they're being escorted out, this jackash runs over and starts snapping pictures of them like it's a perp walk for a murderer. He's walking backward while they're being taken out, jumped up on the first step of the bleachers to get a better angle, the whole bit. Must have snapped off 50 frames of the non-incident.
Then it got worse.
He asked the editor if he could follow them and see what was happening. I guess he figured they were being arrested, instead of just told to leave. She wanted him out of her hair so she could shoot what she needed to, so she told him to go ahead. He goes outside and starts shooting more pictures of them. In the dark. With a flash.
Naturally, this group of upstanding young men was not too happy about this and politely asked him to stop.
OK, they were about to kick his ash.
He starts screaming, "PRESS! PRESS! I'M WITH THE PRESS!!!" as if it'll create some sort of magic force field around him. Thankfully, one of the security guards noticed the commotion and broke it up before anything happened.
I was at the office later and the photo editor walked in. I made a joke about the guy, ashuming he was a student photographer she was helping. I hadn't met him yet and didn't even know he worked for us. She just shook her head.
He was fired, if not that night then first thing the next morning.