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The commish said that when she called the coach of the team she was placing the girl on, the wife asked who the mother was. The commish told her who and heard the wife sigh.
Why are they placing the girl on another team at all? That's enabling the parents. Commish should be saying the girl has a place on her original team, coach and players love her and will be glad to see her back, but that's the parents' only option.
This has gotten beyond messy. I went to talk to the commish today. She completely backs me.
But I found out that the girl in question went to school today with printed-out emails between all the parents on the team and was trying to get other players to switch teams with her. Absolutely disgusting behavior by her parents to put an impressionable 12-year-old into this position. The thinking by the parent being that if she can get other players to leave, my team will have to disband. I am livid and at the same time heartbroken for the girl.
My goddaughter, who isn't on the team this season (she's playing baseball) had a 6th-grade function tonight. I went to support her because I go to all of her extracurricular events. The girl in question is in her class so we all saw each other -- her parents included. The girl obviously wanted to say hi -- found her way around me 15-20 times in a short amount of time -- but has been poisoned against me, which is disheartening. I went to her exhibit and said Good job and she struggled to say Thank you because her dad was standing behind me. It forking killed me and I know this must be so confusing to her. She has no idea why this is happening other than what she reads in emails that her shameless parents gave her.
Apparently there's a law in Vermont, something about unwanted contact via electronic means relating to children. The commish is dealing with it now.
I'm just so forking disheartened about this. It never should have gotten this far. forking psycho parents.