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Hello, I’m a person in a film


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2002
Pretty epic thread about movie tropes spun off of this tweet.

Some personal favorites:

Hello. I am a person waking up in the morning in a film and I don't need a wee. Nobody else in that film thinks I'm a medical marvel

I'm a person in a film who has just had insanely hot sexy and somehow also managed to fold myself up in my sheet like an exquisite origami creation. Oh and even though you were in every one of my orifi I will still carry my origami fold with me as I exit the bed.

Hello. I am a bombmaker in a film. I thoughtfully colour code the wires I use to give the hero a fighting chance.

Hello, I am a person in a film. O own a shop, probably a designer shop. I go there once or twice a week and spend like 3 minutes talking to the only customer who bought one (1) candle. I am rich
Hello, I'm the incompetent employee/sidekick that has no discernible talent or skills and makes rude comments to my coworkers in a film. No one fires me or punches me in the face. (Though in the real world, this person would likely become a publisher.)
Hello, I am the best friend of a person in a film and am wholeheartedly invested in their love life or whatever personal challenges they are dealing with because I have no life of my own and I don't even mind that my best friend never asks me about what's going on with me.
Hello, I'm the person being stalked by a crazy controlling psycho; the police either never believe me or they say the psycho has to do something first; and I never decide to record the crazy psycho, nor buy myself a gun to protect me for when the psycho decides to violently attack me. (Lifetime movies that my wife used to love to watch).
hello, I'm am the young child of the main character in a film. I am so wise beyond my years that I am smarter than 95 percent of the adults in the room including the antagonist who somehow outwitted my parent.
Hello, I'm the villain in a film and I have a lot of weaponry but I cannot hit anything I shoot.
Hello, I am a bolt of lightning. You will hear my thunder instantaneously even though I am thousands of feet away from you.

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