Here's an interesting question for no one in particular but inspired by this thread. I can't answer this:
A person is born and raised in a small town/rural area. They graduate high school and move away for 25-30 years. They live in bigger areas, travel, see things, actually do stuff, etc. They decide to "go back home."
What do they expect?
Do they still consider themselves "from there" even though they have lived more of their life away from it?
Do they think time stood still while they were gone?
Do they expect to be welcomed back like a conquering hero?
Do they think it will be like a Hallmark movie?
Do they expect to be a fish out of water?
Do they expect to be seen as an outsider?
Do they expect anyone they knew as a child to know or care who they are?
Why would they care if anyone they knew as a child knew or cared who they were?
I think it's an interesting conversation to have.
All of my friends have moved far away from hometown. The childhood home was sold ten years ago and even most of the old neighbors are gone. That being said, while I would never think realistically like that, it's a potent fantasy. Especially, uh, if you're in the throes of mid-life crisis.
Move back to hometown - or better yet, where you went to college - and you're magically nineteen again! Who wouldn't sign up for something like that?