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How many of you have ever "accidently overdosed"?

Montezuma's Revenge said:
Junkie said:
I accidentally ovedosed on placebos once.

Nothing really happened.

Is that from a Steven Wright bit? Sounds like something he would say.

As to the poster who said TO's $25 million has "no relevance'' to the discussion, that's just plain crazy. No, being rich and/or famous doesn't suicide-proof anybody.

But I'll got out on a limb and say that somebody who has $25 million is a lot less likely to off himself than the guy living on, oh, cub reporter's wages at a 10K daily. Money may not solve all problems, but it sure does cut down on them.

Mental illness isn't linked to your portfolio.
Money makes no matter in the mind of a suicidal person. We're talking illness here, people. How often do you hear about a suicide and almost as soon as it gets mentioned, it's "oh my word I can't believe she would kill herself, she was so pretty/popular/smart/gifted/rich." If anything, it's worse for the people who have thoughts of killing themselves when on the surface they've no reason to feel that way. Think about it: if everything's coming up roses for you and you still spend part of every day of your life wishing you could end it, how much worse do you imagine you'd feel if something bad happened? If the best days of a life that everyone around you envies can't keep you from dreaming of plunging off a tall building or swallowing a gun, then you've got serious trouble. And that's the point. Money, a great job, big tits or whatever CANNOT save someone who wants to die.

Suicide isn't usually the reaction of a man to a circumstance, it's the reaction of a man to himself. Whether they're living the life of Riley or struggling along paycheck-to-paycheck with no friends, no lovers, debt load to the eyeballs, a bleak professional future and emotional problems out the wazoo matters not a forking thing.
this is an overdose much like Barry Bonds unknowingly used cream and clear. You hear what you want to hear and believe what you want to believe. Some are so personally or politically invested in the athlete as hero or political\social icon that they wil grab any rationalization to keep their fantasy alive. With Bonds, some are willing to ignore truth and reality so at to promote their racial belief system, [believe the conspiracy?!].

with TO, who knows what makes folk support this sick fork
Football_Bat said:
The only thing I'm overdosing on is T.O. Talk.

Enough already.
Then I would stay away from this topic board until it lands on Page 3 by next week.
Mystery Meat said:
Money makes no matter in the mind of a suicidal person. We're talking illness here, people. How often do you hear about a suicide and almost as soon as it gets mentioned, it's "oh my word I can't believe she would kill herself, she was so pretty/popular/smart/gifted/rich." If anything, it's worse for the people who have thoughts of killing themselves when on the surface they've no reason to feel that way. Think about it: if everything's coming up roses for you and you still spend part of every day of your life wishing you could end it, how much worse do you imagine you'd feel if something bad happened? If the best days of a life that everyone around you envies can't keep you from dreaming of plunging off a tall building or swallowing a gun, then you've got serious trouble. And that's the point. Money, a great job, big tits or whatever CANNOT save someone who wants to die.

Suicide isn't usually the reaction of a man to a circumstance, it's the reaction of a man to himself. Whether they're living the life of Riley or struggling along paycheck-to-paycheck with no friends, no lovers, debt load to the eyeballs, a bleak professional future and emotional problems out the wazoo matters not a forking thing.

I refuse to believe big tits can't solve any problem.
leo1 said:
JayFarrar said:
Four advil is the same as one prescription strength advil.

yeah, so?


Did you eat anything with the Advil?

My brother, who is a doc, suggested that I take four Advils a half-hour before I play golf or anyother physical activity, but he stressed the with food part to avoid an upset stomach.

I usually take a Powerbar or something similar.
I've accidentally overdosed on malted hops and corrected the problem with extremely violent regurgitation. Does that count?
I guess I just don't know anything about T.O. I've been stuck in Prep heck for like eight years and I could give a shirt about the pro primadonnas. I don't even watch pro sports and haven't in like 10 years. It's just so un-exciting to me.

It just seems to me if you got tons of money and all kinds of beeatches that want to bone you, then life would be worth living, or at least the misery of living that kind of life would be pretty damn pleasurable.

I guess if you're not the shee aht in the NFL you really do want to off yourself, but I just can't believe why anyone would want to do that. I mean it's only a friggin game. But this is a win-at-all-costs society. Can't win or be the best, might as well die.

But I know members of the media, whatever medium, radio, TV, print, jump to conclusions. I know a dozen in my neck of the woods that are a bunch of retards. Source A makes a comment on the record and the sky is fallling. I know way too many reporters that make mountains out of mole hills.

I know for certain that most cops jump to conclusions. I also know that it's way too easy to take too many pain killers. You take one, start feeling good, but the pain's still with you, so you take another, feel even better, maybe drink a few beers, feel even better, and take another one or two because you're about to go to bed, and then you puke on your own vomit. It happens, never happened to me, but I did take one or two too many and slept for like 16 hours.

Also, people develop a quick tolerance to pain killers, therefore making it way too easy to take too many.

So what are the facts in this case? The cops have a police report that says "suicide"? So that makes it so? What if the cops had a police report that said O.J. really didn't kill his ex wife? Would that make it so? I mean, we have a jury that said that.

What if the cops had a police report that said Jesus Christ was guilty of blasphemy? Would that make it so? What if the cops had a police report that said two and two equals five, I guess the math textbooks would have to be rewritten?

Cops are usually liars.

I mean the only person that really knows if T.O. tried to kill himself is T.O. and maybe a wife or significant other. And who really cares. Had he died, it'd just be one less primadonna in tights and a helmet, and maybe Dallas could get another high profile player and stay under the salary cap.
lono said:

I took two hydrocodones last week after minor surgery and they put me on my ass.

I'll second that. I was given hydrocodones (Vicodin) after going to the ER yesterday and one I took last night has made me feel like I have a horrible hangover.

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