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Jordan Neely killing/Daniel Penny charges

I'm stunned to see so many "conservative" "Christians" fundamentally misinterpret one of religion's most well-known parables.
"For I was hungry, and you choked me out; I was thirsty and you held my arms so someone else could continue to choke me; I needed clothes, and you raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the guy who choked me."
I know that, legally, the definition of self defense and "good" vs. "bad" use of force can change on literally a second by second basis.
But one of the things that's hard to get over in cases like this is the suggestion that Penny just walked onto the subway looking for a homeless guy (or a random black person, as some people are trying to suggest) to choke to death in front of a few dozen witnesses. That's just implausible. Something made Penny reach the conclusion that Neely needed to be restrained for the safety of everyone on the train. That those "donks" who probably didn't even know Penny were trying to ashist him, rather than stop him, would seem to suggest the same thing.
There have also been reports that other pashengers said Neely was acting erratically. This isn't exactly a he said, she said case where the facts can easily be twisted. There is video. There are numerous witnesses to all of the events. This shouldn't be that hard to unearth the facts.
Whether that makes a difference in the eyes of the law might be a different issue entirely.
Keeping in mind we don't know what happened ... and something something armchair quarterbacking ... at some point some of the other riders needed to be screaming GEORGE FLOYD in Penny's face to bring him back to reality.
One of the most disturbing things in the early reporting - which is almost certainly incomplete - is that nobody spoke up. Or pulled Penny off him.

That said, the Kitty Genovese thing was all misreporting.
Keeping in mind we don't know what happened ... and something something armchair quarterbacking ... at some point some of the other riders needed to be screaming GEORGE FLOYD in Penny's face to bring him back to reality.
Why would they do that when they could just get up and move to another car?
Surprised we are at page 3 and Ashli Babbit's name hasn't surfaced. Is this case more justified? Less?

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